Bu Henny

Dr. Henny Indreswari, M.Pd

Name Dr. Henny Indreswari, M.Pd
Department Guidance and Counseling
Educational Background School Guidance and Counseling

Guidance and Counseling

Guidance and Counseling

IKIP Malang


Universitas Negeri Malang

Universitas Negeri Malang





Work Experience Lecturer


University of Malang


Since  – now


Research and Development Projects in the last Five Years Title: Counter-Narrative Based Transdisciplinary Capability Development Innovation To Revitalize And Actualize Students’ Self As Deradicalization Efforts


Field of Study: Counseling


Title: Counseling Guidance Program for Children with Special Needs (Structure, Rational, Needs Based on Assessment, Objectives, Scope, and Service Design)

Year: 2019

Field of Study: Guidance


Title: Analysis of Social Intelligence, Love, Self-Regulation in Adolescents with Aggressive and Non-Aggressive Kinds of Online Game Addiction

Year: 2019

Field of Study: Counseling


Title: Management Patterns of Overseas Sundanese Families in East Java (Parenting, Leadership Development, Business Development, and Competitive Mental)

Year: 2020

Field of Study: Counseling


Title: The Effectiveness of BiblioEducation in Improving Respect for Junior High School Students

Year: 2020

Field of Study: Counseling


Title: Improving Altruistic Behavior Through Fun Outbound Techniques For Junior High School Students


Field of Study: Counseling


Title: Internalization of Ethical Values in Character Education at Zi Gui as a Foundation for Ethical Behavior for High School Student Personal Development)

Year: 2020

Field of Study: Counseling


Title: Integration of Physical Medical Principles With Empathy to Strengthening  Scientific And Counseling Actions


Field of Study: Counseling


Title: Integration of Visual Support Implementation in the form of Pecs and Schedule Based on the Characteristics of Autistic Students

Year: 2018

Field of Study: Counseling


Cooperation Activities in the last Five Years
Individual Property Rights Title: Coping Self Talk Counselor’s Android Application Program   Year 2019


Significant Publication in the last Five Years Publications (total number: 18)

Author: Henny Indreswari, Yulias Prihatmoko, Nunung Nindigraha

Title: Candidate for Personal Learning Counselors Electronic Materials on Learning Environment

1st International Conference on Information Technology and Education (ICITE), 2020

Organizational Experience in the last Five Years Organization Name

Ikatan Instrumentasi Bimbingan dan Konseling Indonesia





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