Bu Yuli

Yuliati Hotifah, S.Psi, M.Pd

Name Yuliati Hotifah, S.Psi., M.Pd
Department Guidance and Counseling
Educational Background Psychology


Guidance and Counseling





Airlangga University of Surabaya

State University of Malang

Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University Malang







Work Experience Autism Therapist

Gender and Social Inclusion Consultant Team







RSI Unisma

Indonesia Australia  Partnership in Basic Education (IAPBE)

Psikologi UIN Malang

Learning Assistance Program for Islamic School-PGMI Unisma

Guidance and Counseling (UM)










Since 2008- now


Research and Development Projects in the last Five Years Title: Strengthening the Capacity of Pesantren-Based Peer Helper to increase peer helping effectiveness

Year: 2015

Field of Study: Guidance and Counseling


Title: Santri Perceptions of Peer Helping Services in Islamic Boarding Schools

Year: 2015

Field of Study: Guidance and Counseling


Title: Strengthening the Capacity of Pesantren-based Peer Helping to improve effectiveness of peer helping The problem of implementing peer helping in Islamic boarding schools

Year: 2016

Field of Study: Guidance and Counseling


Title: Development of Pesantren-based Peer Helping Competency Instruments

Year: 2017

Field of Study: Guidance and Counseling


Title: Development of a Multicultural Peer Counseling Model

Year: 2017

Field of Study: Guidance and Counseling


Title: Development of Aggression Scale (Self Report) to measure adolescent aggressive behavior in East Java

Year: 2018

Field of Study: Guidance and Counseling


Title: Development of a Multicultural Education Model for Helping Profession Students Based on Spencer & Spencer Theory as Efforts to Improve Multicultural Competence of Helper Candidates.

Year: 2019

Field of Study: Guidance and Counseling


Title: Profiling Willingness to Learn of Counselors towards the Complexity of Student Problems in the Digital Age

Year: 2020

Field of Study: Guidance and Counseling


Cooperation Activities in the last Five Years Project Title     : Teacher motivation seminar at MTsN I Pulosari Tulungagung

Partners           : MTsN I Pulosari Tulungagung

Year               : 2015


Project Title : Peer Helping training at Islamic boarding schools for students of Tahfidzul Qur’an and MTs SA Hidayatul Mubtadiin Satriyan Kanigoro Blitar

Partners           : Ponpes Tahfidzul Qur’an dan MTs SA Hidayatul Mubtadiin Satriyan Kanigoro Blitar

Year:  2016


Project Title     : Instrumentation Development Training in guidance and counseling for Guidance and Counseling teachers in Malang City

Partners           : MGBK Kota Malang

Year: 2017


Project Title     : Strengthening the Capacity of Inter-Religious Women Cadres in Malang through Interpersonal Communication Skills Training

Partners           : PAUB Malang

Year: 2018


Project Title     : Development of Religious Tolerance Attitudes for Inter-Religious Women Cadres through the Anjangsana Method in Religious Communities

Partners           : PAUB Malang

Year: 2019


Individual Property Rights Title

Inventori worldview untuk konseling

The Pesantren Peer Helper Model


2016 (EC10201500393)


2018 (EC00201826362/000116490)

Significant Publication in the last Five Years Publication (total:  15 Articles).


Title: Problems of Santri in Pesantren

Author: Yuliati Hotifah

Publication Year: 2015. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan FIP UM


Title: Development of Media Letter Sharing to Improve Introvert Students’ Communication Skills

Author: Evi Elian Afifah, Triyono, Yuliati Hotifah

publication Year: 2016. Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling 1 (1), 27-32


Title: The Development Of Cultural Sensitivity Training Guide To Prevent The Potential Conflicts of Culture for Junior High School Student

Author: Hariyadi Kusumo, Arbin Janu Setiyowati, Yuliati Hotifah

Publication Year: 2016. 2nd ICET Theme:“Improving The Quality of Education and Training Through Strengthening Networking”


Title: Islamic Boarding School in Psychological Perspective

Author: Yuliati Hotifah

Publication Year: 2016. 2nd ICET Theme:“Improving The Quality of Education and Training Through Strengthening Networking”


Title: Development of Advanced Study Planning Guidance Package with CPS Model for High School Students

Author: Nadia Renita, Muslihati, Yuliati Hotifah

Publication Year: 2017. Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling 1 (1), 27-32


Title: Peer Counseling  of Pesantren Perspective

Author: Yuliati Hotifah

Publication Year: 2017. Journal of Social Sciences. Ces&RJ-JSS 6 (2)


Title: Solving Santri Problems Through Indigenous Peer Helping

Author: Yuliati Hotifah

Publication Year: 2018. Jurnal Kajian Teori dan Praktik Kependidikan 42 (2)


Title: Anjangsana Method in Religious Communities to Foster an Attitude of Religious Tolerance for Female Cadres

Author: Yuliati Hotifah, Ella Faridati Zen, Irene Maya Simon, Widya Multisari

Publication Year: 2019. Jurnal KARINOV 2 (3), 146-151


Title: Systematic Literature Review: Concept, Dimension and Antecedent Multicultural Counseling Competence

Author: Yuliati Hotifah, Hamidah

Publication Year: International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. www.ijicc.net Volume 5, Issue 5, Special Edition: ICET Malang City, 2019.


Title: Students’ Perceptions of the Existence of Peer Helpers Based on the Local Wisdom of Pesantren

Author: Yuliati Hotifah, Irene Maya Simon

Publication Year: 2019. Indonesian Psychological Research 1 (2), 90-101


Title: Psychological Dynamics of Young People on Broken Home Families

Author: Nikko Iffah A Firdausi, Yuliati Hotifah, Irene Maya Simon

Publication Year: 2020. Acta Counseling and Humanities 1 (1), 31-41


Title: Developing of The Web Sharing as a Media of Cathartic Stress for Students in School: an Initial Assessments by Prospective Users

Author: Maylia Firdaus, Yuliati Hotifah, Elia Flurentin

Publication Year: 2020. Acta Counseling and Humanities 1 (1), 10-18


Title: 3R Behavior Training; Right, Reality, Responsible for Migrant Workers’ Children in Donomulyo District, Malang Regency

Author: Muslihati, Yuliati Hotifah, Ella Faridati Zen

Publication Year: Jurnal KARINOV 3 (1), 10-15. Tahun 2020


Title: Adaptation and Validation of Entrepreneurial Intention Scale in the Santri Context in Indonesia

Author: Zainal Abidin, Yuliati Hotifah, Fendy Suhariadi, Fajriyanthi

Publication Year: 2020. 1st International Conference on Information Technology and Education (ICITE 2020)


Title: Determinant Factors of Willingness to Learn: Systematic Literature Review

Author: Yuliati Hotifah, Suryanto, Hamidah, Nono Hery Yoenanto

Publication Year: 2020. 1st International Conference on Information Technology and Education (ICITE 2020)

Organizational Experience in the last Five Years Organization Name

Perempuan Antar Umat Beragama Malang


Chief Executive


2020 – 2024

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